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Inner Child Who?


Ahhh, that pesky Inner Child. She’s always showing up, isn’t she? She has lots of thoughts and opinions and she demands to be heard. How good are you at noticing her presence? Do you know her voice? Are you aware of her needs and wishes?

This concept of the Inner Child may be new or utterly foreign to you. Here at Another Mother, those with a Shiny Nugget subscription have been doing weekly 2-hour workshops learning about Little Her (as I like to call the Inner Child) and helping Her feel more settled and at peace. It’s only then that we can truly walk in less anxiety more often as compared to simply treating the symptoms of our anxiety, in my opinion. I would much rather get rid of the anxiety as much as possible instead of figuring out practices to help us simply manage the way it is demonstrated in our bodies.

I’d like to explain some basics about Little Her to give you a better understanding of

Another Mother Inner Child Logo

this Inner Child concept and why I feel it is so very important in helping you heal your Mother Wounds. Once you have a clear understanding of WHO She is and WHAT She wants, you can be well on your way to feeling more joy and peace in your adult life now. There is one key thing you need to remember…”It is all about Her.”

Your Inner Child is present and active within your adult body. She is the younger you. She is a composite of the hopes, memories, fears, joys, smells, sounds, sadnesses, and dreams of your childhood. She is connected to you on a deep cellular level. She shows up in your moments of greatest bliss, your deepest sadness, and your most profound fears. We all experience our Inner Child frequently and often are not even aware of Her presence.

Do you delight in the scent of a particular hand lotion that your Grandmother used to wear? Does the sound of distant thunderstorms make you feel peaceful and content? Do you feel uncomfortable listening to certain types of music? Does being in a dimly lit room make you feel anxious? Do you feel giddy inside when you come across a tv show you loved as a child that is now found on Youtube? All of these strong feelings are Little Her showing up and every single one can be traced back to a memory, good or bad, easily tangible or repressed, happy or sad from your childhood.

As I have spent more and more time researching different modalities of therapy and work for my own understanding, I have come to believe that Inner Child Healing is absolutely instrumental in bringing about healing more rapidly than other methods or at the very least speeds things along when used in conjunction with them. This is just my personal opinion, of course, and not professional but I’ve drawn this conclusion after much thought and observation. I have certainly done my own intensive study of other modalities and it appears to me that with each of them, if you just went back one step DEEPER and addressed the Inner Child, you would save time. Here are some of my thoughts…

Let’s look at two very popular and successful therapies: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and DIalectical Behavior Therapy. First, you need to know what each is and I will start with CBT. This is where negative patterns of thought about the self and the world are challenged in order to alter unwanted behavior patterns. What would happen if we worked on the Inner Child first and the causes of the Cognitive Distortions that were created due to her pain? Let’s get to the place where the thoughts started way back when.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is another tool that is often used and it is a talk therapy that helps people understand how their thoughts affect their emotions and behaviors. Again, what if we went back and got RID of the negative thoughts that were developed when Little Her was wounded? What if we helped HER believe the truth instead of lies?

Brainspotting, EMDR, I could go on and on with different types of therapeutic techniques that are used but ultimately, I'm realizing that they all have the end goal of helping people feel better by walking in truth and clear thinking. WHAT IF we could get there sooner by starting FIRST with Inner Child work? The peace that could come from helping her feel safe, seen, heard, protected, believed, defended, wanted, cherished, and adored! The lies she could stop playing over and over again and instead she could know the joy and freedom of walking in truth about who she really is, and what dictates her thoughts and emotions. Once she is feeling safe and secure she can begin to walk confidently as a woman and develop healthy relationships with those around her. She believes in herself and knows her worth. She no longer walks in insecurity or fear. Oh, how the thought of that thrills my heart.

If you are still struggling with wounds from your childhood, Nugget, please consider

Inner Child Recovery Work Book Cover

doing Inner Child work. I want nothing more than for you ladies to be experiencing life to the full without hindrances holding you back or causing you doubt. Within the next couple of months I will be filming a course/workshop that will enable you to jump in with both feet and expedite your healing journey. In the meantime, stay connected to the Another Mother family and glean from the wisdom your Sister Nuggets who have been intentionally working on Inner Child share with you. So many of them can give testimony to the amazing changes they have seen. I want you to know that you, too, can experience this in your own life. You just have to decide if you want it for yourself. I know “I” want it for you. I believe in you and I am so hopeful for your future. I love you so much.

Mama Miss


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